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Wabtec News

Wabtec Begins Operations at Neighborhood 91 Additive Hub

Wabtec Corporation celebrated yesterday the start of operations at Neighborhood 91the additive manufacturing production campus at Pittsburgh International Airport’s Innovation Campus.

Volker Rail News

REAL Alliance removes 50 year old power lines

The Rail Electrification (REAL) Alliance, of which VolkerRail is an alliance partner, has worked in partnership with Northern Powergrid (NPG) to remove four overhead power lines that have spanned the East Coast Main Line (ECML) and Transpennine route from Leeds to Hull (HUL) for over 50 years.

Clayton Equipment News

Delivery of two 80-tonne Hybrid+ locomotives

Two Clayton Equipment Hybrid+ CBD80 shunting locomotives move from workshop to site via test track and a few winding roads on the way to our new customer in the North of England.

Mosmetro News

Moscow to receive 204 new trams

By the end of 2022, Moscow will receive 204 new trams, reports the city’s Department of Transport.

Ferrovial News


Ferrovial, via its US construction subsidiary Webber, was awarded the reconstruction contract for a portion of three miles of the I-37 in San Patricio County, Texas (United States). The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) selected the company to carry out the contract valued at $84 million (about €69 million).

Thales News

Welcome to the 5G railway

Discover how new mobile technology could revolutionise your train journey

Vector News

CANoe4SW 15: Now Supporting Python

Vector has integrated basic functions into newly released version 15 of CANoe4SW: For Software-in-the-Loop testing in virtual environments, Python is now supported as a programming language.

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