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TMH News

TMH Presents Ivolga 3.0 EMU to Passengers

During Moscow Urban Forum 2021, an international congress on challenges of the growing supercities, TMH presents an end car (“head car”) of its new DC electric train Ivolga 3.0 (Class EG2Tv) to future passengers at the Three Station Square (Komsomolskaya Square).

TMH News

TMH Shipped Metro Trains to Baku, Azerbaijan

TMH shipped a batch of 20 Class 81-765.B/766.B metro carriages (4 trains) from its Mytishi Plant to Baku Metro, Azerbaijan.


Autonomous Mobility will be Collective, Systemic, Connected and Tailored

As the world’s population continues to grow, the global reliance on road vehicles for transportation is becoming increasingly unsustainable, especially in light of emission reduction goals. In 2017, almost 72% of transportation-based greenhouse gas emissions in the EU came from road transport, while only 0.5% was attributed to rail

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