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Alstom and SMRT Trains collaborate to explore the use of 3D-printed spare parts and innovations for enhanced rail operations and maintenance

Alstom, global leader in smart and sustainable mobility, and SMRT Trains, Singapore’s pioneer and dominant rail operator, are working together to explore the use of technology such as 3D-printed spare parts, autonomous robots and vision computing for predictive maintenance automation, and recoverable braking energy.

IVU News

SWEG and IVU agree on strategic partnership

SWEG and IVU Traffic Technologies have agreed to start a long-term strategic partnership to modernise bus and rail transport in Baden-Wuerttem­berg and develop innovative solutions for the mobility of the future together. SWEG will use the integrated complete system IVU.suite for all bus and rail operations.


Rhaetian Railway’s world record attempt has been successful

It has been officially confirmed and accomplished: this Saturday afternoon, Rhaetian Railway (RhB) took the longest narrow gauge passenger train in the world on the UNESCO World Heritage route from the Albula Tunnel in Preda to the world-famous Landwasser Viaduct just outside Filisur.

HS2 News

HS2 construction in London gathers pace as second tunnelling machine sets off underneath the capital

HS2 Ltd has launched the fifth Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), ‘Caroline’, that will be constructing tunnels for the HS2 railway through London. The second launched in the capital, the 2,000 tonnes machine joins ‘Sushila’, that was switched on earlier this month on the same West London site.

Premium Power News

ACB-3000, 2 Milliseconds Switching When One Line Fails

Find out in this article the performance of Premium PSU’s ACB-3000 redundancy static transfer switch. We have recently carried out tests on the ACB-3000 that prove that the device switches in less than 2 milliseconds from one input to the other in an error situation.


ZELEROS: Getting closer in the road of a regulatory framework for hyperloop operation

The European Commission made public the workplan of the regulatory framework of 2023, including the development of a regulatory pan European framework for hyperloop. This is a key milestone for the hyperloop ecosystem, as it will allow to create a scope considering safety, sustainability, and interoperability as the main criteria to operate.

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