Thales, with its transmission network technology partner, Nokia, has been selected by Transport for London (TfL) to deliver an integrated communications renewal to support the Connect system.
From 24 to 27 September 2024 at InnoTrans on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds the focus is on how electrification, digitalisation, automation and sustainability will shape the future of mobility.
The partnership between Škoda Group and RegioJet, the largest private railway carrier in Central Europe, brings forth the delivery of 23 new electric units, valued at approximately EUR 133 million. 15 trains will have two cars and 8 trains will consist of three cars.
The Community of European Railway & Infrastructure Companies (CER), alongside fellow associations ERFA, UIRR, UIP and UNIFE, echo the findings of a recent survey, which reveals that the majority of European citizens consulted are unaware of the serious impact of introducing 'gigaliners' or 'mega trucks' on the road network.