A new national timetable was introduced in China on December 30 2019 which increases the number of passenger trains by 263.5 per day to reach 4816.5 daily round trips.
Alstom has delivered in Morocco the first Prima M4 locomotive in the frame of the contract signed in 2018 with ONCF to supply 30 electrical Prima locomotives.
The two new metro sections comprise a 16.6km eastern extension of Line 7 and a 4.5km southern extension of the Batong Line to Huashuang and a common terminal at Universal Studios. The Universal Studios theme park is still under construction and is due to open in 2021.
Etihad Rail has awarded a tender worth 4.6 billion AED (1.1 billion euros1.25 billion USD) to a joint venture between China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) and National Projects and Construction (NPC).
Talgo UK is pleased to announce that Fife Council has approved an application by Scottish Enterprise to transform an old industrial site, following minor certifications, in Longannet.
Over the last quarter-century, Eurostar has expanded its range of destinations, broken several records and transited royals, footballers, celebrities and politicians to the other side of the British Channel.
CAF group’s technological subsidiary CAF Signalling has completed the testing of its Automatic Train Operation (ATO) over ETCS (GoA2) in CAF’s SNG trains.