VALE S.A. (Vale) recently contracted ENSCO Rail to provide a suite of track inspection systems and software that will support the company’s goal of making operations safer and more efficient throughout the Vale rail network
Teleste has been in the forefront of the development of Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) standard from very early on, since 2015 when the work with technical requirements was started in 3gpp
On December 23, the urban railway Matveevskaya was opened. It will be a part of the future Moscow Central Diameter (MCD) 4 in 2023. It is the 7th opened station this year.
On 14 December, the European Commission will adopt the Action plan to boost long-distance and cross-border passenger rail, which aims to increase the modal share of rail passenger traffic and help support the objectives of the EU Green Deal
The annual awards program recognizes the extraordinary work of Bentley software users advancing infrastructure design, construction, and operations throughout the world.
Equipped with automatic train operation (ATO) grade of operation 4 (GoA4), Alstom’s driverless Innovia APM will further optimise the transfer of passengers reliably and efficiently