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Knorr Bremse News

Leading the field in rail freight automation: Knorr-Bremse tests new function and builds DAC prototypes

Working together with operator Havelländische Eisenbahn (HVLE), Knorr-Bremse is equipping a freight train with an automation system that will support automated brake testing. At the same time, Knorr-Bremse is producing the first prototypes of its own DAC. Both innovations are being systematically prepared for market launch as part of a package of rail freight solutions.

Arcelor Mittal News

ArcelorMittal contributes to Zeleros’ test track construction in Sagunto Port to demonstrate Zeleros hyperloop technology and boost port logistics

Zeleros lays the first stone of the test track for the SELF-Booster (Sustainable Electric Freight-forwarder), a pilot project that will demonstrate Zeleros’ hyperloop technology and its application to automated and fully electric container handling.

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