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DB Cargo News

L'Oréal maintains commitment to sustainable logistics through DB Cargo FLS

Weekly, L'Oréal transports products to distribution centers and then transport by rail directly to Switzerland in its own rail siding. This enables around 90 percent reduced CO2 emissions with fewer empty runs & ramp contacts.

Stadler News

Customised Stadler locomotives for the Paris metro

Régie autonome des transports Parisiens (RATP), operator of the Paris Metro, is ordering twelve locomotives from Stadler.

BIOforte News

Chewing Gum Removal That Works!

They stick to the tarmac and quickly stick to your own shoes: chewing gum that is simply spat out and carelessly disposed of in the environment.

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH Info

Large Cable Railway Requires Special Damping Solution

The dampened drive-in of two exceptionally large cable railway supply cars into the stations required the designing and installation of special damping solutions.

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