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Serbia: the City of Belgrade renews its Partnership with RATP Dev for its Future Automated Metro System

The City of Belgrade has renewed its trust in RATP Dev, a subsidiary of RATP Group, by extending its “Early Operator Assistance” contract for the upcoming three lines of the Belgrade automated metro system.
Serbia: the City of Belgrade renews its Partnership with RATP Dev for its Future Automated Metro System

The parties have also signed a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the broader scope of collaboration.

These renewals will allow RATP Dev to continue to provide comprehensive support to Belgrade’s Secretariat for Public Transport and BMV (Beogradski Metro i Voz) in developing the city’s first metro network and future public transit network. This is a pivotal project for Belgrade, aiming at modernizing its transport infrastructure and promoting sustainable urban development.

Through this partnership, RATP Dev will continue to contribute its extensive international experience and expertise in operations and maintenance to support the functional design and specifications of Belgrade’s future metro system. The early operator assistance contract covers topics such as operations and maintenance, safety, passenger experience, and life cycle cost optimization.

For Mehdi Sinaceur, Deputy CEO of RATP Dev: “We are honored to earn BMV’s trust. This signature exemplifies the effectiveness of our collaboration and the strength of our long-standing partnership. With our cumulated experience in cities such as Paris, Lyon, Riyadh, Sydney, Singapore and Doha, we are committed to delivering a modern and efficient automated metro network for Belgrade. This project will enhance residents' quality of life by providing a more sustainable mode of transport.”

Belgrade’s ambitious fully automated metro network project comprises Line 1 (21.8 km, 21 stations), Line 2 (24.2 km, 26 stations), and Line 3 (23 km, 22 stations). This project stands as the largest and most significant infrastructure initiative in the Republic of Serbia today.

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