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TMH News
TMH Presents Ivolga 3.0 EMU to Passengers
During Moscow Urban Forum 2021, an international congress on challenges of the growing supercities, TMH presents an end car (“head car”) of its new DC electric train Ivolga 3.0 (Class EG2Tv) to future passengers at the Three Station Square (Komsomolskaya Square).

The best-in-class engineering solutions, implemented in Ivolga 3.0, ensure a smooth ride, low noise, fast acceleration, and fast braking (which, in turn, results in faster trips). The train’s highest speed is 160 kmh. The wider doors (1400 mm) speed up the passenger turnaround at stations by 15%, compared to previous versions. Ivolga 3.0 represents a new step in development of the EMU platform, which supports creating trains for urban, suburban, and intercity transportation.
Ivolga 3.0 was designed in Russia and is produced by TMH plant in Tver (TVZ). The train will be showcased on the premises of the Yaroslavsky Train Hub from July 1 to July 4. The design of the train was created by TMH’s partner – National Industrial Design and Innovations Center 2050.LAB.

Alexander Loshmanov, TMH Deputy CEO for Urban Transportation: “We are glad to present our newest product under development to the passengers. We hope that future riders will appreciate the level of technical solutions coming from some of our best engineers and designers.”
In comparison to Ivolga 2.0, the new train has 50 more seats (in an 11-car configuration). The seats themselves have a new design, with each seat row having foldable elbow rests and USB chargers. There are hangers under the tables and on the vertical handrails. The end cars can be equipped with bike racks and charging stations for electric scooters.

The train’s updated electronic equipment supports changing its movement direction in 1-2 minutes. Its high passenger carrying capacity is a result of reconfiguring the interiors of its end and module cars. The passenger count system will suggest the less crowded cars in the app. The open gangways help passengers spread evenly throughout the train without exiting the cars. The suburban version of the train will have even more seats in the cars.
The train can consist of 4 to 12 cars and function as a multiple (two trains coupled and driven from one driver’s seat), which helps raise efficiency of the train operated on lines with varying ridership.
Visitors of the mockup are encouraged to fill up questionaries for the developers; the feedback will be used by the project team to polish the train. Visiting of the mockup is subject to all necessary precautions and disease control regulations.