Metrolink’s Tier 4 Locomotives to Reduce Emissions by 85%

The cleanest diesel locomotives will be spotted across Southern California this week as Metrolink begins testing Tier 4 locomotives system-wide.
Testing began on June 5 and is expected to last up to three months, continuing through the summer. To minimise impact to surrounding communities, Metrolink has scheduled nearly all testing to occur during daytime hours instead of at night.
Cleaner Tier 4 Locomotives
Metrolink is the first passenger rail in the nation to utilise Tier 4 technology, which produces up to 85% less emissions while moving riders more reliably. For more information about the Tier 4 locomotives and their benefits, please click here.
The Tier 4 locomotives were a regional partnership funded by the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) Carl Moyer Program, the State of California’s Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) and Metrolink member agencies: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Orange County Transportation Authority (METRO), Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) and Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC).
Passenger Service Testing
Through the month of June, testing locations will include the Central Maintenance Facility, Pasadena subdivision, which includes the cities of Pomona, San Dimas, La Verne, Glendora, Azusa and Irwindale, on tracks that are not normally used by Metrolink trains, and the Antelope Valley and Orange County lines.
Testing is a federal regulatory requirement before they can be used for passenger service. Last week, Metrolink was granted permission by the FRA to proceed on its testing. Once the testing period concludes, Metrolink will begin to deploy the new, cleaner Tier 4 locomotives across its system.