Five Additional Coradia Polyvalent Trains for Région Sud

France – the Région Sud has ordered five further Coradia Polyvalent (Régiolis) trains from Alstom. The contract for these regional trains is worth around 32 million euros (36 million USD). Alstom will then deliver the units between late 2020 and early 2021.
The Région Sud already operates ten Coradia Polyvalent trains. These began operating in 2015.
Jean-Baptiste Eymeoud, President of Alstom France, said:
“This additional order highlights the renewal of Région Sud’s confidence in Alstom and its solutions. Coradia Polyvalent for Régiolis has been a great success with passengers since it began commercial service in France. With more than 50 million kilometres covered by the 250 trains in circulation since 2014, we offer a reliable, tried-and-tested solution.”
Alstom Coradia Polyvalent Regional Trains
The five units for Région Sud are dual-mode (electric and thermal) four-car trains. Each train has 214 seats, where each seat comes with an individual reading light and a power socket. Other comfort features include large bay windows and plenty of space to store both luggage and bicycles. Alstom has also been working on reducing noise and vibration levels, which benefits both passengers and residents near train lines.
All of Alstom’s modular Coradia Polyvalent trains feature low energy consumption, complying with the latest emission standards in thermal mode. They also benefit from reduced maintenance costs. Furthermore, they are ERTMS-ready, making the Régiolis the first French regional train that complies with all EU standards. This includes compliance regarding accessibility.
Renaud Muselier, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, said:
“Alstom is a real example of know-how in matters of innovation and it is without hesitation that we renew our confidence in them. We have always been committed to improving the transport conditions of our passengers. The acquisition of this new material will enable us to offer modernity and more comfortable regional trips to the thousands of users in Région Sud who, every day, take the train to work.”
Alstom Coradia Polyvalent Trains in the Market
France has not been the only buyer of Alstom’s Coradia Polyvalent trains. The rolling stock manufacturer has sold 272 units in its home country. However, Algerian railway company SNTF has also ordered 17 units, while Senegalese railway company APIX has ordered 15.