DB Cargo UK to Switch to 100% Renewable Electricity

DB Cargo UK has announced that 100% of the electricity which powers its offices and rail sites will become renewable. The operator sought to identify the best supplier in partnership with Schneider Electric, DB Schenker UK and Arriva UK Group. The three-year contract was eventually offered to SSE Business Energy because of the price and additional services included in its pitch.
The switch to renewable energy prevents approximately 5,000 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) entering the atmosphere and allows the freight operator to legally report zero carbon emissions from electricity.
Richard Lait, Head of Safety, Security & Environment at DB Cargo UK, said:
“Producing electricity from sources which do not cause significant impact on the environment contributes significantly to our responsibility to tackle global warming and pollution. Utilising natural energy flows to create the cleanest energy sources makes good economic sense too.”
Andrea Jones, Head of Procurement at DB Cargo UK, said:
“This is a massive step forward to improving our impact on the environment. We are committed to work with our suppliers to support our DB2020+ Group global strategy to become an Eco-Pioneer by 2020.”
Amber McEwen, Head of Marketing, SSE Business Energy, said:
“There is an increasing demand in the market for organisations to be more sustainable and environmentally conscious. SSE has the broadest portfolio of renewable energy generating assets in the UK and Ireland, and we’re delighted to be able to use these assets to offer SSE Green.”
Andy Dewis, Vice President of Energy & Sustainability Service at Schneider Electric, said:
“Technologies advance and prices fall, renewables make good business sense, but with an array of options, finding the right source and supplier and negotiating favourable terms, can be daunting. Through a rigorous selection process, DB Cargo made a milestone investment that serves its customers, communities and long-term operational needs.”
Arriva, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, announced its own agreement with SSE Business Energy in May 2018. The supplier will provide 100% renewable electricity for most of the company’s bus and rail sites in the UK. The rail sites covered by this contract include Arriva Rail North, Arriva Rail London, Chiltern Railways and Grand Central.
These agreements have made Arriva and DB Cargo UK the first major transport operators in the UK to switch to 100% renewable electricity. SSE Business Energy provides renewable electricity under its SSE Green label, which verifies the carbon-neutrality of its supplies with a Renewable Electricity Guarantee of Origins. This guarantee offsets the electricity consumed by SSE’s clients by exporting an equivalent volume produced by its wind and hydro assets to the National Grid.