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Tesmec News
TESMEC RAIL AND SKODA GROUP collaborate to offer innovative and green solutions
Tesmec Group has signed a collaboration agreement to develop world-class, environmentally friendly products in the railway and diagnostic vehicle sector.

Tesmec Group, with its subsidiary Tesmec Rail and Škoda Group, a leading European manufacturer of components like electric drive systems and electric motors and vehicles for public transport, announced the signing of a collaboration agreement aimed at the technological cooperation in the sector of railway working and diagnostic vehicles to develop a worldwide state of art performing and environmentally friendly products.
Tesmec's development strategy is increasingly pushed by sustainable innovation with particular attention to the electrification working railway vehicles to minimize the environmental impact and to the diagnostics & digitization to increase the predictive maintenance and the safety and of the railway networks.
The goal of Tesmec Group and Škoda Group is the sustainable mobility. This collaboration expresses the strong interest of both companies to expand their business through a regulated business partnership to create and support a new model of business based on technological development and promotion Tesmec rail vehicles equipped with Škoda electrically-powered traction solutions suitable for full electric and hybrid propulsion systems including transmission those based on an energy storage integration not only to minimize the environmental impact and for energy recovery too.
Tesmec Rail and Škoda Group customized their standard products to create an integrated green product that is competitive both on the diagnostic rail vehicle market and catenary construction and maintenance vehicles markets. The new integrated products working vehicles combined with commercial synergies and cooperation will allow both companies to strengthen their business and expand their market share in the target markets.
The Czech Group has been able to recognize in Tesmec a qualified and renowned partner able to satisfy the market requests on time and efficiently thanks to the great knowledge of the markets, the experience of their dynamics, the great skill born from the comparison with ever-changing needs.
Tesmec Rail identified Škoda Group as key Player on the market, whose customization capability, competitiveness, and strong power of the brand enrich the value of cutting-edge railway solutions. The first collaboration started in 2020 when Tesmec Rail awarded the RFI tender -Rete Ferroviaria Italiana - for the supply of n° 4 electrified railway vehicles for the diagnostic of the Italian network.
In 2022, RFI awarded Tesmec Rail for the supply of n° 44 railway vehicles with electric transmission equipped with a bimodal propulsion system; this means that the vehicles can be powered both from the contact line at 3 kV DC (Lot 1) or at 25 kV AC (Lot 2) and from a diesel engine-generator. These first two important milestones were reached also thanks to the technological contribution of Škoda Group.