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GCF News
122 Italian companies located in 14 regions and operating in 18 strategic sectors. They stood out for “management performances and financial reliability” and, for this reason, they were awarded the Alta Onorificenza di Bilancio prize of Industria Felix - L’Italia che compete award. On the prestigious stage, the only railway company, GCF - Generale Costruzioni Ferroviarie.

The Award, organized by the quarterly magazine of economy and finance Industria Felix Magazine (supplement of Il Sole 24 Ore) directed by Michele Montemurro, in collaboration with Cerved, Luiss Guido Carli University, Sustainable Development, Associazione culturale Industria Felix, with the media partnership of Ansa and Il Sole 24, is based on the most important Italian journalistic survey performed this year on 1.068.000 balance sheets of joint-stock companies with legal office in Italy.
The Alta Onorificienza di Bilancio award, assigned according to objective criteria by a Scientific Committee that summons at Luiss Guido University in Rome, keeps in consideration an unmistakable algorithm of competitiveness (evaluated based on the balance sheets filed) of Cerved Group Score (Cerved’s financial reliability indicator, the main rating agency in Italy and among the most important in Europe). “The choice fell on your company - Director Montemurro told GCF President Edoardo Rossi - after having developed an algorithm that identified enterprises based on sectors according to the decreasing Mol, with positive Roe index, as profit, with a Financial fee/Mol ratio lower than 50% and an unchanged or increasing staff delta compared to the average of the previous year”.
Management performances and financial reliability thus evaluated allowed GCF to be awarded the Prize and enter - as only company to represent the railway construction sector - the golden Roll 2020 of the Top Italian companies ‘’a virtuous community -as Montemurro defines it – in terms of objective merits and not based on discretional evaluations’’.
The national awarding event presented by journalists Angelo Mellone and Maria Soave took place last week, during the first edition of Industria Felix, and lasted three days in digital form due to Covid 19. A celebration that focused on the awarded companies, considering them as model firms of ‘’resilience that represent the starting model”. Confindustria Vice President Vito Grassi stated: «In particular phases of change and transformation, as the ones we are living, within a disastrous and unprecedented economic picture, vision and ability to lead innovation are key factors. Today, and more so in the future, the small-medium enterprises that wish to remain on the market need a real and stronger entrepreneurial culture, which is the only hope of social progress. The enterprises that were awarded by Industria Felix prove it: real champions of resilience, that must instil trust also in those companies that didn’t make it. They represented the corporate model from which to restart, with no doubts».
The speeches of numerous and famous figures of the political, academic, entrepreneurial sectors underscored the leading role of the awarded companies. For Ceved, the speeches were given by the Group’s CEO Andrea Mignagnelli, the CCO Roberto Mancini and the CEO of the Rating Agency Fabrizio Negri, the general director of Luiss Guido Carli University Giovanni Lo Storto, the undersecretaries of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with delegation to economic planning and investments Mario Turco, to economic development Gian Paolo Manzella and cultural heritage, activities and Tourism Anna Laura Orrico, the member of the European Parliament Carlo Fidanza, senators Maurizio Gasparri and Adolfo Urso, the manager of the Competitiveness and Research section of production systems of Apulia Region Gianna Elisa Berlingerio, the Sole Directors and partner of FundCredit Claudia Catalano and Matteo Cassa, the members of the scientific Committee of Industria Felix, the teacher of Industrial economy of Luiss University Cesare Pozzi (speaker), the president of Grant Thornton Consultants Roberto H. Tentori, the board member of Enel Finance International Ernesto Di Giacomo, the member of Confindustria’s Credit and finance Technical Group Filippo Liverini and the Sole Director of Sustainable Development Michele Chieffi, for which company, that deals with balance sheets/ sustainability reports and non-financial declarations, university teachers Francesco Lenoci and Andrea Venturelli also gave speeches.
“It is an important award – thanked President Edoardo Rossi – that recognizes the deep commitment over the years and that, even more in this delicate phase of the economy, further stimulates us to face new challenges for change and constant improvement”.
Industria Felix also broadcasted online the awarded companies, engaging them in an innovative and appreciated Digital Fair with business matching, that will be held throughout November, with the possibility to view potentially over 6 million corporate profiles on Atoka, the largest online search engine for Italian companies.