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Generale Costruzioni Ferroviarie News
More modern, safe and efficient. The future of Latina-Formia line is outlined in details in the executive project that is being drawn up and foresees the realization of the new Multi-Station Computerized Central Device to manage railway transit along the 67 km section of the Rome-Naples railway line.

The articulated and complex upgrading project will be carried out by GCF in Temporary Association with Bombardier. It has been requested by Italferr within the series of “upgrading and restoring of the transit system along Campoleone – Villa Literno section”.
“The current “traditional” electro-mechanical automatic blocking system will be replaced with the efficient ACCM featuring distancing sub-system of Bacf type – explains Alessandro Sanna, GCF’s Technical Manager – and consequently, a consistent series of upgrading activities will be carried out that will concern railway installation, electric traction, telecommunications, LFM (lighting and driving force) and industrial installations, as well as the construction of new buildings, restoring of existing buildings and execution of civil works: curbs, tunnels, support walls, etc...”.
With regards to IS systems, the new ACCM will consist of a Multi-Station Central Point (PCM) installed in Rome Termini premises, six Multi-Station Peripheral Points (PP/ACC or PPM) in Latina, Sezze, Priverno-Fossanova, Monte S. Biagio-Terracina, Fondi-Sperlonga and Formia-Gaeta stations, in addition to section’s Peripheral Points (PPT) located along the line: 40 PBA in steel cabinets along the line and 4 shelters at the entrance of Vivola and Montorso tunnels, both of greater length of 5 km.
The entire section will be equipped with a 3-way Emulated Automatic Block RSC on the left track and two-way on the right track; fed by a single 1000 V ridge, it will be of “distributed” type, meaning with implementation at joints/signals.
“In practice – explains Manager Sanna – the circulation of trains, meaning “legally” on the left track and “illegally” on the right track, can be constantly monitored by PPT that are located every 1,350 m of railway and will regulate the traffic automatically, being able to detect and protect with red lights, potential transit anomalies, stopping the trains also using SCMT system with utmost safety”.
The ACCM installation will be accompanied by a remarkable series of works that will involve, in the 6 concerned stations (in addition to ITRI stop), according to the cases, changes to existing PRG (except for Latina station) for the necessary upgrades of the systems and new construction or restructuring of buildings destined to house the future equipment of Peripheral Points, LFM and supply systems of the technological buildings, telecommunication systems, selective telephone (VOIP) and sound diffusion systems, safety and security mechanical systems (ventilation and air conditioning, water-sanitary systems, fire detection, access control and intrusion systems).
Lastly, in each of the concerned sites, in order to boost and speed up the railway traffic, multiple and complex activities are foreseen to upgrade the railway surface, by demolishing and building new tracks and junctions (about 50) and consequent construction of new Electric Traction lines. Works that, in turn, will be completed with the upgrading and/or building of new curbs, construction of support walls and, in case of Priverno, the extension of the existing tunnel and construction of a new platform of about 70 metres.