CargoBeamer, Fraunhofer IML, and SGKV launch project on automated wagon inspection
Innovation project commenced for faster safety checks in intermodal transport.

CargoBeamer, Europe's leading logistics service provider for the intermodal transportation of non-craneable semi-trailers, is driving further innovations toward greater efficiency in rail freight transport. Together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (Fraunhofer IML) and the Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr e.V. (SGKV), the Leipzig-based company has now launched an innovation project to accelerate the inspection of intermodal wagons. The aim is to develop an overall solution to speed up the process of checking the operational safety of freight wagons and loading units, which takes place during the handling of every combined transport train.
As part of a wagon inspection, a wagon inspector manually checks intermodal trains for roadworthiness and defects before departure, sometimes under great physical strain. The ‘DIMI - Digital Inspection by Machine Intelligence’ project is now driving forward the automation and digitalization of document handling and transfer of important sub-processes of this inspection. Using state-of-the-art sensor technology and camera AI systems, relevant wagon and load parameters will be digitally recorded and made available to the wagon inspector via an app. All data is collected automatically and made available in real-time, significantly reducing the time it takes to carry out the safety check.
Fraunhofer IML and SGKV benefit from predecessor projects
The project is part of the federal program ‘Future Rail Freight Transport’ (‘Zukunft Schienengüterverkehr’) and is being funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport with around 1 million Euro. With a duration of 27 months, it is scheduled for completion in summer 2026. As project manager, CargoBeamer is responsible for the areas of terminal construction, automation, and sensor technology, while Fraunhofer IML provides expertise in the field of artificial intelligence and software solutions. SGKV is responsible for process analysis and internal project management. Both Fraunhofer IML and SGKV benefit from past projects that have researched and advanced the automation and digitalization of individual tasks of the wagon master. This holistic approach is intended to significantly accelerate the wagon inspection process as part of the DIMI project.
“The wagon inspection process in its current form offers enormous potential for improvement and digitalization to achieve higher throughput rates and greater efficiency in intermodal terminals,” explains Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Jürgen Weidemann, Chief Technology Officer at CargoBeamer. “To better utilize existing and new terminals, it is important to support manual processes with state-of-the-art technology and thus significantly accelerate them. Thanks to sensor technology, AI, and the digitalization of document handling, we want to carry out a wagon inspection in under 60 minutes instead of several hours in the medium term - an important step towards promoting the competitiveness of rail over road.”
Prof. Dr. Uwe Clausen, Head of Logistics, Transport and Environment at Fraunhofer IML, adds: “In many areas of logistics, we see great opportunities in the digitalization and automation of processes that are still too often carried out manually today. Particularly given the shortage of skilled workers, it is important to create attractive jobs in the rail sector that are efficiently supported by sensors and data networking, for example.”
Clemens Bochynek, Managing Director of SGKV, adds: “Combined transport plays a key role in implementing the transport transition. To achieve the goals set for it measures such as process optimization for this complex mode of transport are of great importance. The sensor-based acceleration of wagon inspections combined with the digitalization of document exchange is an important lever for the efficient use of existing capacities.”