ÖBB Rail Cargo Group connects Linz and Duisburg with Rotterdam
ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) is optimising its TransFER with a connection to Rotterdam, which enables a direct round trip connection between Austria, Germany and the Netherlands.

- ÖBB RCG optimizes TransFER with connection to Rotterdam
- TransFER Linz–Wels–Duisburg becomes TransFER Linz–Duisburg–Rotterdam
- Round trip connection between Austria, Germany and the Netherlands
Rotterdam is one of the largest seaports in the world and the largest deepsea port in Europe. It plays a crucial role in rail freight transport – the port is a major logistics hub in Europe and serves as an intermodal transport hub for the transhipment of goods between rail, ship and truck. Rotterdam is not only an important hub for freight transport within Europe, but also beyond.
"With our new TransFER Linz–Duisburg–Rotterdam, we are creating another high-frequency direct connection to one of the world's largest seaports. With four round trips per week and numerous transport options – from classic containers to swap bodies and soon also cranable trailers – our TransFER offers an optimal connection for maritime flows of goods to the economic regions of Western and Central Europe“, says RCG CEO Clemens Först.
In addition, the TransFER allows transfers within Rotterdam to all maritime and continental terminals in the Maasvlakte and Waalhaven industrial and port areas, as well as to Antwerp and Zeebrugge.
Matthijs van Doorn, Vice President Commercial at the Port of Rotterdam Authority is enthusiastic about the new rail service: "As port authority we strive for sustainable, safe and efficient hinterland connections. Therefore, this new connection provides much more than just an additional rail service. Next to more flexibility and better connectivity for our customers, it also means fewer traffic on the motorways and thus less emissions and less risk of traffic jams and accidents.”
Fixed timetable for reliable logistics planning
The TransFER starts in Linz and runs via Duisburg to Rotterdam. Everything follows a fixed timetable for reliable logistics planning. All types of stackable containers between 20 and 45 feet can be transported. The use of swap bodies is also possible in the direction of Rotterdam. RCG is actively working on an additional transport option for cranable trailers. Dangerous goods (RID) can also be transported along the entire route.
TransFER – the connection
The ÖBB Rail Cargo Group transports goods across the whole Eurasian continent with around 60 TransFER connections, more than 1.500 TransFER combinations and many customisable routes. The transport units vary from entire wagonloads and intermodal transport through to complete customisable solutions. Additional freight services such as transshipment, warehouse logistics and customs services can be booked according to the place of departure and the destination. The RCG takes care of all the details – from the first to the last mile.
Rail Cargo Group: the freight transport division of the ÖBB
As a leading rail logistics provider in Europe, we are shaping the industry. 365 days a year – 24 hours a day. Across Europe and beyond into Asia. With our presence in 18 countries worldwide, we connect people, businesses and markets – from the first to the last mile. It’s thanks to our 5,887 logistics professionals from 34 nations that 448,000 trains a year, respectively 1,230 a day, reach their destinations safe and sound. With our efficient end-to-end logistics services, we transport over 88 million net tonnes of freight each year. A modal share of 27.5 % (preliminary value) of the total freight market in Austria makes us top of the league in Europe. Operational management of the Rail Cargo Group lies with Rail Cargo Austria AG.