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New Thales digital signalling system rolled out in Denmark
As the first country in Europe, Denmark has decided to replace all analogue signalling systems with a digital IT system. A complete upgrade of the railway's signal systems, this is one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in Europe.

The use of analogue signalling systems is nowhistory. Trainswill use Europe’smost modern signalling system to ensure that passengers (and freight) betweenthe cities ofLangå, Struer and Holstebroin Denmarkwill benefit from a state of the art, signalling system.
On thisrailwayline, the infrastructure manager Banedanmarkhas finished the installation of the new IT-based signalling system, ERTMSL2. The system which isdeveloped by Thaleswill reduce signal errors and secure more trains on time.
“With the new signalling system, it will –when fully completed -be possible to attain increased stable train operation with fewer signalling errors. It will also be possible to introduce a train operation schedule with higher frequency, as it will be possible to supervise the trains with greater accuracy. Therefore, there are many benefits to replacing the old signalling system with a new digital one.” -Janus Steen Møller, Director of Signalling Systems, Banedanmark.
Later this year, Banedanmark will take the new signalling system into use on two more rail lines between Køge and Næstvedand between Mogenstrup and Rødby.
Writing history with 100 years of technological advancementThe new signalling system is planned tobe rolled out on all long-distanceraillines in Denmark. Thus, it will replace all the old signalling systems which dateback to the 1950s and in some cases to 1912. As such, the replacement of the old signalling systems provides insight into more than a century of technological advancement within the rail sector. It underpins that Thales is at the forefront when it comes to the digitalisation of rail.
Thales isproud to collaborate with Banedanmarkon this historical upgrade of the national signalling systempaving the way for further digitalization of the rail sector. Together,we are the first in the world to have put the second generation of ERTMS L2 Baseline 3 into commercial operation. Moreover, we also support Banedanmarkin theirambitionto createa safe, smooth, more reliable and punctual travel experiencewith our Traffic Management System ARAMIS“-Tommy Ayouty, CEO Thales Danmark.
The Traffic Management System ARAMIS is used to operate more than 55.000 trains worldwide on a daily basis.