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Deutschebahn News
Deutsche Bahn selected for a top climate score from a group of nearly 10,000 companies
DB recognized as a global leader in the fight against climate change for the fourth year running • DB makes CDP's climate change A List

Deutsche Bahn (DB) has once again made the climate change A List published by CDP, a non-profit charity that manages a renowned global environmental disclosure system. DB's high score reflects its role as a global leader in the fight against climate change. It is the fourth time in as many years that DB, along with Canadian National Railway Company, has been selected as one of the world's most eco-friendly rail transport companies.
Deutsche Bahn's place on the A List makes it one of the top 270 companies scored by CDP. Some 9,600 companies disclosed their environmental data and participated in CDP's scoring process this year. DB has been disclosing through CDP since 2015.
CDP is an international environmental rating organization and charity based in London. It works on behalf of its members – investors, companies and cities – to help companies disclose their annual environmental data. CDP assesses the companies' efforts to combat climate change, as well as the level of transparency they use in their reporting.