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Stadler’s First High-Speed Train Branded “SMILE”
A competition held during Stadler’s open day enabled the company to find a name for its new line of high-speed trains: SMILE.
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World’s First Citadis X05 Light Rail Vehicle Delivered to Sydney
Alstom has delivered the first of 60 Citadis X05 light rail vehicles (LRVs) to Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) in Sydney, Australia, as part of the CBD and South East Light Rail project.
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Network Rail launches cost-saving scheme to replace copper cables with aluminium
Cost reduction is one of the major transformation themes for Network Rail, and the industry imperative to drive costs down has never been greater. Engineers are working on a range of ways in which costs can be reduced, and the electrical fraternity is playing its part.
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Siemens to Equip DB Locomotives with Predictive Maintenance
DB Cargo AG has commissioned Siemens to equip its locomotive fleet for condition-based, predictive maintenance. The contract has a term of six years.
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4th Wheel Detection Forum: The Future of Train Tracking
Under the motto “The future of train tracking”, the fourth edition of the Wheel Detection Forum will be packed with presentations, discussions and reports on proven as well as future technology. About 250 leading experts are awaited to join the forum in Vienna. Thereby this will also be the perfect possibility for networking with senior decision makers from all over the globe.
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