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Rail Cargo Group News
Daily two-way service on the Silk Road
In 2020, the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group transported around 70,000 TEU on the New Silk Road. That’s more freight than ever before. It equates to double the volumes transported in 2019.

The ÖBB RCG increased its number of freight trains to 700 in 2020. Practically one train a day in each direction travels on the Silk Road. Expansions to the range of TransFER services will put 1,000 red-white-red freight trains on the Silk Road in the coming years.
The New Silk Road’s connection to the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group’s dense, high-performance network guarantees fast transportation and efficient onward distribution across Europe. Logistics activities on the Silk Road facilitate reliable and customisable end-to-end logistics services that span the whole Eurasian continent.
New Silk Road supports rail freight transport
According to a new UIC study, the market for rail freight transport between Europe and Asia shows a lot of potential. Conservative predictions reckon on the volumes of container transportation doubling between 2020 and 2030. According to more optimistic estimations, these volumes are set to triple. Simultaneously, the RCG and its partners are working on enhancing the average transport times on this route. Digitalisation initiatives and process optimisations should reduce transport times by three to five days in the coming years. The aim is to achieve an average transit time of ten days.